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- In this post, find all Fry words from kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th to 5th grades listed in alphabetical order in a single list.
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Complete List of 1000 Fry Sight Words
This section organizes all sight words in alphabetical order and are not separated by grade level. If you are looking for the list of Fry sight words by grade level, scroll to the following heading.
A, able, about, above, across, act, action, actually, add addition, adjective, afraid, Africa, after again, against, age, ago, agreed, ahead, air, all, allow, almost, alone, along, already, also, although, always, am, America, among, an, and, angle, animal, another, answer, any, anything, appear, apple, are, area, arms, army, around, arrived, art, as, ask, at, away.
Baby, back, bad, ball, bank, base, be, bear, beat, beautiful, became, because, become, bed, been, before, began, begin, behind, being, believe, bell, belong, below, beside, best, better, between, big, bill, birds, bit, black, block, blood, blow, blue, board, boat, body, bones, book, born, both, bottom, bought, box, boy, branches, break, bright, bring, British, broken, brother, brought, brown, build, building, built, burning, business, but, buy, by.
Called, came, can, cannot, can't, capital, captain, car, care, carefully, carry, case, cat, catch, cattle, caught, cause, cells, center, cents, century, certain, chance, change, chart, check, chief, child, children, choose, church, circle, city, class, clean, clear, climbed, close, clothes, cloud, coast, cold, color, column, come, common, company, compare, complete, compound, conditions, consider, consonant, contain, continued, control, cook, cool, copy, corn, corner, correct, cost, cotton, could, couldn't, count, country, course, covered, cows, create, cried, crops, cross, crowd, current, cut.
Dance, dark, day, dead, deal, death, decided, decimal, deep, describe, desert, design, details, determine, developed, did, didn't, died, difference, difficult, direct, direction, discovered, distance, divided, division, do, doctor, does, doesn't, dog, dollars, done, don't, door, down, draw, drawing, dress, drive, drop, dry, during.
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Each, early, ears, earth, east, easy, eat, edge, effect, eggs, eight, either, electric, elements, else, end, energy, engine, England, English, enjoy, enough, entered, entire, equal, equation, especially, Europe, even, evening, ever, every, everyone, everything, exactly, example, except, exciting, exercise, expect, experience, experiment, explain, express, eyes.
Face, fact, factories, factors, fair, fall, family, famous, far, farm, farmers, fast, father, fear, feel, feeling, feet, fell, felt, few, field, fig, fight, figure, filled, finally, find, fine, fingers, finished, fire, first, fish, fit, five, flat, floor, flow, flowers, fly, follow, food, foot, for, force, forest, form, forward, found, four, fraction, France, free, French, fresh, friends, from, front, fruit, full, fun.
Game, garden, gas, gave, general, get, girl, give, glass, go, God, fold, gone, good, got, government, grass, great, Greek, green, grew, ground, group, grow, guess, gun.
Had, hair, half, hand, happened, happy, hard, has, hat, have, he, head, hear, heard, heart, heat, heavy, held, help, her, here, high, hill, him, himself, his, history, hit, hoe, hold, hole, home, hope, horse, hot, hours, house, how, however, huge, human, hundred, hunting.
I, ice, idea, if, I'll important, in, inches, include, increase, Indian, indicate, industry, information, insects, inside, instead, instruments, interest, interesting, into, iron, is, island, isn't, it, it's, itself.
Japanese, job, joined, jumped, just.
Keep, kept, key, killed, kind, king, knew, know, known.
Lady, lake, land, language, large, last, late, laughed, law, lay, lead, learn, least, leave, led, left, legs, length, less, let, let's, letter, level, lie, life, lifted, light, like, line, list, listen, little, live, located, long, look, lost, lot, loud, love, low.
Machine, made, main, major, make, mall, man, many, map, march, mark, match, material, matter, may, maybe, me, means, measure, meat, meet, melody, members, men, metal, method, middle, might, mile, milk, million, mind, mine, minutes, miss, modern, molecules, moment, money, months, moon, more, morning, most, mother, mountains, mouth, move, movement, much, music, must, my.
Name, nation, natural, near, necessary, need, never, nwe, next, night, no, north, northern, nose, not, note, nothing, notice, noun, now, number, numeral.
Object, observe, ocean, of, off, office, often, oh, oil, old, on, once, one, only, open, opposite, or, order, other, our, out, outside, over, own, oxygen.
Page, paint, pair, paper, paragraph, park, part, particular.
Questions, quickly, quiet, quite.
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Race, radio, rain, raised, raan, rather, reached, read, ready, real, reason, received, record, red, region, remain, remember, repeated, report, represent, rest, result, return, rhythm, rich, ride, right, ring, rise, river, road, rock, rolled, room, root, rope, rose, round, row, rule, run.
Safe, said, sail, same, sand, sat, save, saw, say, scale, school, science, scientists, score, sea, seat, second, section, see, seeds, seem, seen, sell, send, sense, sent, sentence, separate, serve, set, settled, seven, several, shall, shape, sharp, she, ship, shoes, shop, short, should, shoulder, shouted, show, shown, side, sight, sign, silent, similar, simple, since, sing, single, sir, sister, sit, site, six, size skin, sky, sleep, slowly, small, smell, smiled, snow, so, soft, soil, soldiers, solution, solve, some, someone, something, sometimes, son, song, soon, sound, south, southern, space, speak, special, speed, spell, spot, spread, spring, square, stand, stars, start, state, statement, stay, steel, step, stick, still, stone, stood, stop, store, story, straight, strange, stream, street, stretched, string, strong, students, study, subject, substances, such, suddenly, sugar, suggested, sum, summer, sun, supply, suppose, sure, surface, surprise, swim, syllables, symbols.
Table, take, talk, talk, teacher, team, tell, temperature, ten, terms, test, than, that, the their, them, themselves, then, there, these, they, thick, thin, things, think, third, this, those, though, thought, thousands, three, through, thus, tied, time, tiny, to, today, together, told, tone, too, took, tools, top, total, touch, toward, town, track, trade, train, travel, tree, triangle, trip, trouble, truck, true, try, tube, turn, two, type.
Uncle, underline, understand, unit, until, up, upon, us, use, usually.
Valley, value, various, verb, very, view, village, visit, voice, vowel.
Wait, walk, wall, want, war, warm, was, wash, Washington, wasn't, watch, water, waves, way, we, wear, weather, week, weight, we'll, well, went, were, west, western, what, wheels, when, where, whether, which, while, white, who, whole, whose, why, wide, wife, wild, will, win, wind, window, wings, winter, wire, wish, with, within, without, woman, women, wonder, won't, wood, words, work, workers, world, would, wouldn't, write, written, wrong, wrote.
Yard, years, yellow, yes, yet, you, young, your, you're, yourself.
Fry Sight Words by Grade Level [Groups of 100 Words] - Free Printables
Click on the links below to find lists divided by grade level, with grades 4 and 5 divided into multiple posts. Each post includes a free printable list by order of frequency and in alphabetical order.
- Fry Sight Word List #1-100 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
- Fry Sight Word List #101-200 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
- Fry Sight Word List #201-300 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
- Fry Sight Word List #301-400 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
- Fry Sight Word List #401-500 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
- Fry Sight Word List #501-600 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
- Fry Sight Word List #601-700 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
- Fry Sight Word List #701-800 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
- Fry Sight Word List #801-900 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
- Fry Sight Word List #901-1000 (Alphabetical, Frequency)
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